Victoria Mary Clarke – Journalism

Articles & Interviews

About Me

Victoria in the park

Victoria Relaxing in the park

About Victoria Mary Clarke

Victoria Mary Clarke was born plain Victoria Clarke (the Mary was added for effect) in Dublin, Ireland on January 11 1966. She learned to read Cornflake boxes at the age of two, and began work on her first autobiography ‘All About Me’ at the age of six. In the book, she stated her clear intention to become very, very rich.
By the time she reached sixteen, Victoria had begun the process of becoming very rich, and was hard at work on the second volume of memoirs, ‘Brown Rice And Vegetables’, a tragic account of having to eat wholesome, organic food in the Irish countryside.
Victoria’s life took an unexpected turn when she met and fell madly in love with the Pogues singer Shane Mac Gowan in a pub in London, when she was seventeen. From awkward beginnings, romance blossomed. Not many books were written during the years that followed, but a lot of fun was had.

Around 1990, Victoria started writing for newspapers and magazines, something she enjoys very much. Her proudest achievement in journalism is an interview with JP Donleavy for French Vogue in 2006, but she is also proud of a piece about being in the Priory called ‘My Priory Diary’ which appeared in the Evening Standard.
In 1992 or maybe 1993 Victoria co-authored a biography of Nirvana which was never published, but which got a lot of publicity. Two novels were also written, but not published. A screenplay was written, but not made. Then along came ‘A Drink With Shane Mac Gowan’ which is a lot of fun, a highly entertaining read and which is still selling.

After a nervous breakdown, Victoria wrote a book about her conversations with the angels who helped her through it. That book is called ‘Angel In Disguise’, and that is also still selling.

At the present moment Victoria is working on a new book ‘Angel Advice For Everyday Situations’. She lives in Dublin with Shane where she particularly enjoys eating and buying new clothes. She teaches workshops for people who want to learn how to channel their own angel guidance.